Dental Care at Camden, London

Dental health is crucial to maintaining both a beautiful smile and overall health and Camden dentists provide complete dental services to keep your teeth and gums as fit as you can.

Dentistry is an exciting area which offers a variety of specificizations. Furthermore, dentistry includes a variety of related fields, including oral and maxillofacial pathology, pediatric dentistry and endodontics. Get more help at Camden Dentist Forest and Ray on WordPress.

Dental Implants

Dental implants, which are composed of titanium alloy and work with the jawbone to create a foundation for bridges and crowns, to replace missing or damaged teeth are among the best methods to replace these.

Before assessing you for dental implants in Camden the dentist will conduct a thorough analysis of the health condition of your jawbone. This will determine if your jawbone is an ideal candidate. Bone health and immune function as well general oral health will play a role.

If you have missing or damaged teeth, it is advised to seek medical attention as soon as is possible in order to preserve any remaining healthy tooth structure. Bone grafts may be required in patients who have lost a substantial quantity of bone within their jaws to prepare it for dental implants.

First, your dentist will clean the damaged or decayed tooth from your tooth before making your gums ready for the bridge or crown. After a thorough examination the dentist will suggest the best solution for you based on what is unique to you.

Dental surgeons insert titanium screws in the jawbone through a drill, osteotomy or both. Once the implants are position, they will undergo the process of osseointegration. This is the process that binds them into their new locations and stops bone loss making your new teeth appear natural.

After the implant has been implanted, a dentist will install a bridge, or crown over it. This usually takes between two to six months.

Teeth Whitening

Anyone looking to increase the color or brightness of their teeth with dental whitening have an effective solution available to them that is safe and well-tested. Dental whitening can provide you with brilliant white teeth that will boost your confidence while giving yourself the perfect smile!

Discolored teeth can occur because of a variety of reasons, including drinking too much coffee and tobacco products, smoking, taking certain medications such as tetracycline or being exposed to chemical agents, such as fluoride. The dentist can identify the root cause of your discoloration and offer you an option to whiten your teeth.

If you’re looking for a more white smile, visit your Camden dentists to get professional whitening treatments. The dentists can design custom trays using impressions and then apply bleaching solutions directly onto your teeth.

In the majority of cases, multiple procedures are required to obtain the desired outcome. Make sure to remember that the results is not permanent. Regular dental cleaning is vital to maintain your smile at its best.

The drinks and foods that stain your teeth must also be avoid. If you drink wine, tea, or other cola drinks regularly it is advisable to rinse your mouth out by drinking water after drinking these beverages.

Camden Dentist

Teeth Straightening

There are many ways to straighten your teeth if they’re crooked or misaligned. The treatment of straightening improves the health of your teeth and correct bite problems while beautifying smiles – plus increasing confidence in yourself and creating new social connections!

A straighter smile can protect against serious oral health problems such as gum disease. This makes maintenance easy due to a decrease in plaque build-up.

London provides a range of options for straightening your teeth. These include Invisalign and more traditional braces. Camden dentists can recommend the most suitable option to suit your needs based on your budget as well as your individual requirements.


They help their patients maintain their oral hygiene in a healthy way, avoid diseases of the mouth and encourage healthy habits for dental hygiene. They perform initial screenings, conduct x-rays on the patients’ teeth (removing plaque) as well as educate patients on dental health and hygiene issues, and aid dentists with treating tooth or gum issues.

In an office environment, dental hygienists are under the supervision and direction of a dentist. They can assist in performing routine tests or diagnostic procedures and apply fluoride treatments teeth and apply sealants when needed, or prepare patients for dental procedures or surgeries.